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Test Make Up Dates for Absent GEO and HIS students
I will be giving GEO and HIS students who their test on February 9 or 10 the chance to write it at the beginning of lunch in Room 229 on...

HIS 213 Renaissance Test: Feb. 10
Both HIS groups will write a test on the Renaissance on Friday, February 10 (Day 6). This will be the final major evaluation of Term 2.

GEO 103 Energy Test: Feb. 9
Both GEO groups will have a test on Energy on Thursday, February 9 (Day 5). This will be the final evaluation for Term 2.

GEO 103 Current Topic: Energy
GEO students are now learning about energy. We are using the Energy Production workbook.

HIS 213 Current Topic: Middle Ages/Renaissance
After a short look at the Middle Ages, History students will be learning about the Renaissance for the next month or so. This matches up...

GEO 103 Next Geo Masters: Wed. Jan. 25
Because students need to focus on their UNESCO project presentations for January 17 and 19, the next Geo Masters quiz will happen on...

GEO 103 Geo Masters: Thursday, January 12
The next Geo Masters test for both GEO groups will happen on Thursday, January 12 (Day 5).

New HIS 213 workbook
This week, we will be switching from the old (BLUE) History of the World workbook to the new (RED) History of the World workbook, We'll...

HIS 213 Rome Quiz: Monday, January 16
Both HIS groups will have a short quiz on Rome on Monday, January 16 (Day 7). The quiz will cover pages 128 to 140.

GEO UNESCO Presentations Jan 17 and 19.
The UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site Presentations will happen in class on Tuesday, January 17 (Day 8) and Thursday, January 19 (Day 1)....
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