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HIS and GEO Final Exam Date: June 21
Both the History and Geography exams will happen on Wednesday, June 21 at 9 AM. For both courses, the final exam will cover material...

GEO and HIS final exam recommendations/exemptions
Students and parents were informed in September that a student averaging at least 80% in History or Geography over Terms 1, 2 and 3 would...

GEO and HIS test make up dates...
GEO and HIS students who missed unit tests on Wednesday and Thursday of last week can write their test on Tuesday, May 23 (tomorrow!) or...

HIS Now and Then Project Due Wednesday, May 10
Just a reminder that the Now and Then Project is due this coming Wednesday. I need to receive a copy of the PowerPoint on this day, so...

HIS "Now and Then" Slideshow Projects: Due May 10
HIS "Now and Then" Slideshow Projects are due on Wednesday, May 10 (Day 6). Students have already been given two class periods to work...

GEO and HIS Test Make Up (Rewrite) Days: May 23 and 25.
For students who are absent for the GEO and HIS tests the previous week, these are the dates students can write tests: May 23 (Day 4)...

HIS Industrial Revolution Test: May 18.
There will be a test on the Industrial Revolution (Chapter 4) on Thursday, May 18 (Day 3). Using the workbook and several documentary...

GEO Indigenous People Test: May 17
There will be a test on the current unit, Indigenous People, on Wednesday, May 17 (Day 2). The test will be based on the Indigenous...
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