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HIS Test Possible Date Change!
If the school is not open on Monday, November 6, the Chapter 2 History Test dates will change to the following: Tuesday, November 7...

GEO and HIS quiz/test rewrite dates
Students who miss the Nov. 2 GEO Quiz #3 or the Nov. 6 HIS Test #1 must get caught up and write their evaluation in Room 229 on one of...

HIS Ancient Egypt Slideshow Due Nov. 1
Students, alone or in pairs, have chosen a topic and have been working on an Ancient Egypt slideshow. Students have already had time to...

HIS Test #1 on Nov. 6
The Chapter 2 test will happen on Monday, November 6. It will cover pages 48 to 79 in the History of the World workbook,

GEO Quiz #3 on Nov. 2
The third, and final, quiz for Term 1 will happen on Thursday, November 2. (Students were informed of this quiz over a week ago.) It...

GEO Disaster Plan Project Due Nov. 3
The GEO Disaster Plan Project is due on Friday, November 3. Students, in groups of one or two, began working on a project last Friday,...

Missed HIS#2 and GEO#2 Quiz Rewrites...
Students who missed today's History Quiz#2 or who will miss tomorrow's Geography Quiz#2 must come to Room 229 on Thursday, October 5 (Day...
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