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ETH 202-27 Human Rights Presentation: December 1
There will be a presentation - individual or pair - in Ethics class on Tuesday, December 1. Students have already received the...

HIS 213 Chapter 3 Test Information: Part 2
Ten (10) of the following vocabulary words will be on the Chapter 3 Test: Delian League Metic Parthenon Ostracism King of Kings ...

HIS 213 Chapter 3 Test Information: Part 1
The test includes three sections: 1) Definitions, 2) True/False Statements, and 3) Mapping and Regimes. 1) Students will be given a...

New HIS 213-23 and 25 Greece Test Dates
Due to a recently announced training/planning day with no classes on November 30, the Greece Test days for the 23 and 25 groups have...

HIS 213 Chapter 3 (Greece) Test
The next test will happen on Monday, November 30 (Day 4) and Tuesday, December 1 (Day 5). The 23 and 25 groups will write the test on...

ETH 202 Journal Reminder
There are still three or four students who have not handed in their journals. If you haven't done this, please get it taken care of ASAP....

HIS 213 Tests and Slideshows
If you missed the Chapter 2 Test last Thursday or Friday, you will need to write it in class this week. Please don't forget that your...
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