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GEO Indigenous People Test: May 17
There will be a test on the current unit, Indigenous People, on Wednesday, May 17 (Day 2). The test will be based on the Indigenous...

GEO Quiz and HIS test next week!
Although this information has been on the board in Room 229 for more than two weeks, I thought I should remind folks about these upcoming...

Term 3 History Project to be assigned next week!
Next week, HIS students will be assigned a project for Term 3. There will be in-class research/planning days with Chromebooks on Monday,...

Important GEO date changes!
Due to another cancelled day of school (and, another cancelled in-class project work period), the due date for the Location, location,...

School Closure Until Monday, April 3
The closure of the school to repair damage will NOT impact any due dates in GEO or HIS. The next Geo Masters will go ahead on Monday,...

Test Rewrites on Monday and Tuesday
For any GEO or HIS students that were away for last week's tests, you must write the test on Monday, March 20 or Tuesday, March 21 in...

Reminder: HIS Test on Thursday!
The History Test for Chapter 2 (European Expansion in the World) will happen on Thursday, March 16. The test will cover pages 46 to 77.

Reminder: GEO Forests Test Wednesday!
The test on the Forests unit will happen on Wednesday, March 15. Pages to review are 2 to 27 and 31 to 37. There will also be a short...

GEO 103: Industrial Activities
We have finished forests and are now using the Industrial Activities workbook.

Parent - Teacher Interviews: Thursday, March 2
Teachers - myself included - will be available to meet with parents/guardians on Thursday, March 2. For parents who wish to discuss...
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