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HIS 213 Test #2 (Nov.1) Details
The test will cover pages 46 to 81 (Chapter 2) of the History of the World workbook. Like last time, it will include the following...

GEO 103 Quiz #2 (Nov. 1) Details
The Quiz will cover the following material: - Metropolis workbook, pages 2-17. (This is about metropolises in general, plus...

GEO City Protection Plan Project Reminder
Please remember that your small project on creating a disaster response plan for a major city is due on Tuesday, October 26.

GEO Metropolis Workbook from next week...
Beginning on Tuesday, October 19 (Day 3), GEO 103-17 and 18 students must bring their Metropolis workbook to class, along with the Maps...

GEO 103 City Protection Plan Project
Both the GEO 103-17 and 18 classes have started a small project. Alone, or with a partner, students have to do some basic research on a...

GEO Quiz #2: Monday, November 1 (Day 3)
The second Geography quiz of the year will happen on Monday, November 1. It will include material from the Metropolis unit and workbook.

HIS Test #2: Monday, November 1 (Day 3)
The second History test of the year will happen on Monday, November 1. It will cover material studied in Chapter 2 of the History of the...

Last Chance for Missed HIS and GEO Tests
Students who missed last week's HIS and GEO evaluations and have not yet taken advantage of a rewrite opportunity, must be in Room 144 at...

Test Make Up #2 this Wednesday at 1 PM
For students who missed the Friday tests in GEO or HIS (or, will miss tomorrow's GEO 103-18 test) there will be a make up test writing...

Test Make Up for Absent Students
Any HIS or GEO students who missed today's (Friday's) test can come to Room 144 on Monday, October 4 at lunch to make it up. It is a...
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