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HIS 213 Canadian History Museum Trip Reminder!
Don't forget to bring in your signed permission slips for the Tuesday, February 5 field trip to the Museum of History...

HIS 213-02 Now and Then Project Due Date: February 13
The HIS 213-02 group was originally going to have their Now and Then Project due on February 8. The due date will now be on February 13.

HIS 213 Now and Then Project Research Period: January 31
There will be a research period - with Chromebooks - for the Now and Then Project on Thursday, January 31 (Day 3). This applies to all...

GEO 103-03 Energy Test: February 6
The Energy test will be on Wednesday, February 6. Students must study their notes, plus any pages we've covered in Unit 4 of the new...

HIS 213 Now and Then Project: Feb. 8 & 13
The new Now and Then project will be due on February 8 (o2 group) and February 13 (03 and 04 groups). There will be one class period set...

HIS 213 Renaissance Test: Feb. 7
The Renaissance Test - based on notes and from pages in the new My History Log workbook - will be on Thursday, February 7.

GEO 103-03 Update
Students are currently working on Unit 4 - Energy-Producing Regions - in the new, blue Time and Place workbook. The new workbook is the...

Rome Quiz next Monday
There will be a short quiz on Chapter 4 (Rome) next Monday, December 17, 2018 (Day 8). All short answer questions. Students should...

Last Geo Masters before the holidays...
The last Geo Masters test before the holidays will happen on Thursday, December 13 (Day 7). Students will receive their most recent...
Greek Life Project FINAL DUE DATE
The Greek Life project was officially announced on Monday, November 19 and all HIS groups were given a full class period to work on it. ...
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