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HIS 213: European Expansion Retest on Tuesday, March 20
For students who missed the European Expansion test last Thursday, the retest will happen on Tuesday, March 20 (tomorrow) at lunch in...

European Expansion Test: Definitions - People and Things - to know...
These are the definitions that students are expected to know for the definitions (identify and explain the importance of) section of...

HIS 213: European Expansion test on Thursday, March 15.
All of my HIS 213 groups will have a test on the European Expansion in the World unit on Thursday, March 15 (Day 7). As per usual,...

GEO 103: General Update
Students are now learning about Industrial Territories in Chapter 3 of the blue Time and Place workbook. A major project - "Location,...

HIS 213: Now and Then Slideshow Project
The "Now and Then" slideshow project that was assigned last week will be due on Friday, March 2. All History groups used Chromebooks to...

HIS 213: Friday, February 9 will be the last chance for test rewrites
Students have been informed - in class and on this blog - that if they missed the Renaissance Test earlier this week - on Monday or...

HIS 213: Test Rewrites on Feb. 8 and 9
If you missed the Renaissance test yesterday or this morning, you must write it at lunch on Thursday, February 8 or Friday, February 9. ...

GEO 103-02: Next Geo Masters moved to February 6
The next Geo Masters test, originally scheduled for today, will now happen on Tuesday, February 6 (Day 6). Students were informed of...

GEO 103-02: Next Geo Masters on Tuesday, January 30 (Day 1).
The next Geo Masters test will happen on January 30. Please do not forget the Energy Test on Thursday, February 1 (Day 3). This unit...

HIS 213: IMPORTANT! Revised Chapter 7 "Renaissance" Test Dates.
The Renaissance Test will now be on Monday, February 5 (Day 5) for the 01 and 02 groups. The date for the 03 group will be Tuesday,...
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