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GEO 103 - UNESCO Natural Heritage (Protected Territories) Project - Due on Monday, November 20
Students have already started working on this project. Students have already gotten project sheets, selected a topic, and spent one...

FRB 200 - New project and presentation due on Monday, November 20
Students started working on their new assignment - “Mon/notre animal préféré” ("My/our favorite animal") today in class. This is a...

HIS and GEO Quizzes - Monday, October 30 (Day 3).
There will be History and Geography quizzes on Monday, October 30, All short answer questions based on the last couple of weeks in class....

History update.
HIS 213 students have chosen topics for their Ancient Egyptian Slideshow assignment. They will be using Chromebooks during classes on...

GEO National Geographic Natural Disaster Project Due on Monday, October 16 (Day 3).
Just a reminder that the GEO project will be due on Monday, October 16. We spent a class last week doing research and we will be...

FRB 200: French Presentation due on Tuesday, October 17.
French students will be presenting their "Moi" introductions on Tuesday, October 17. Students may keep their script sheet for the...

History test tomorrow (Friday, October 6) and Egyptian slideshow assignment (Monday, October 23)!
Just a reminder that the History test will happen tomorrow. You need to study your notes and handouts we've done on Mesopotamia and the...

Important GEO quiz and project due date changes
We are already losing a Geography class because of the Terry Fox run on Thursday, September 28 (Period 1), and because of the heat we may...

HIS 213 Chapter 2 Test: Friday, October 6 (Day 7)!
There will be a History Test on Friday, October 6 (Day 7). Students need to study: handouts done in class with the textbook, notes taken...

October 2 Geo Quiz on Natural Hazards!
GEO 103: There will be a quiz on natural hazards on Monday, October 2 (Day 3). Questions will be based on workbook pages from Unit 2...
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