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Dec. 15 HIS Test Pages to Review
For the December 15 History Test, students need to review/study the following pages in the workbook: 86 - 107 and 114 to 117. ...

Latest HIS news, due dates...
For the past few weeks, students have been learning about ancient Greece. Here are the latest due dates for the following evaluations: ...

Latest GEO news, due dates...
Students have been working on natural heritage and have just received a Tourism workbook to go with the Natural Park workbook they...

GEO 103 Geo Masters Starts Next Week!
The first Geo Masters quiz will happen on Tuesday, November 14. The first level will be the Oceans and Continents. Spelling and...

Mark Entry Deadline for Term 1
Teachers must have their report card marks/comments entered by early next week, so any GEO or HIS students with unwritten tests/quizzes...

HIS Test Possible Date Change!
If the school is not open on Monday, November 6, the Chapter 2 History Test dates will change to the following: Tuesday, November 7...

GEO and HIS quiz/test rewrite dates
Students who miss the Nov. 2 GEO Quiz #3 or the Nov. 6 HIS Test #1 must get caught up and write their evaluation in Room 229 on one of...

HIS Ancient Egypt Slideshow Due Nov. 1
Students, alone or in pairs, have chosen a topic and have been working on an Ancient Egypt slideshow. Students have already had time to...

HIS Test #1 on Nov. 6
The Chapter 2 test will happen on Monday, November 6. It will cover pages 48 to 79 in the History of the World workbook,

GEO Quiz #3 on Nov. 2
The third, and final, quiz for Term 1 will happen on Thursday, November 2. (Students were informed of this quiz over a week ago.) It...
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