HIS 213 Chapter 3 Test: November 26
As mentioned several times last week, the Chapter 3 (Greece, including Athens, Sparta and the Persian Empire) test will be on Monday, November 26 (Day 3). As with the Chapter 2 test, here will be a map, timeline, and definitions section, plus two short answer sections. All questions will come from worksheets and notes. I will choose nine (9) of the following terms for the definitions section: TRIREME, OSTRACISM, METIC, HELOT, DELIAN LEAGUE, PERICLES, KING OF KINGS, PARTHENON, AGORA, OLYMPIC GAMES, ATHENA, DEMOCRACY, ARTISTOTLE, HERODOTUS, BATTLE OF SALAMIS, PELOPONNESIAN WARS, THEMISTOCLES. If you take the time to prepare for the test, it should not be difficult. The choice is yours...