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Available soon: Week 3 Ministry Resources for GEO and HIS

Next week, there will be more review/learning activities for available for GEO and HIS students. Click on Ministry of Education Weekly Resources on the school website and go to "Week of April 20".

If you have questions, feel free to contact me by email.

There is a tourism activity - "Highlight Tourism Attractions in Your Region" from pages 17 to 27 on the Grade 7 section. This is a topic we covered in the first half of the year in GEO, so it represents a good review of what we already learned.

For Grade 8 HIS, there is an activity called "All the World’s Information That’s Fit to Print", which is about the significance of the invention of the printing press. We covered this in the weeks before the March break, so it should be familiar to you.

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