HIS 213 Presentation Criteria, Links, Details, etc.

HIS 213 Industrial Revolution Presentation Due Date: Thursday, May 9, 2024
Your presentation is kind of what is known as historical fiction. You are inventing a character to “roleplay”, but the details about your character must fit the correct time and place.
Make sure your presentation follows these rules:
- Your character must be a child (6 to 14 years old) living in Britain during the Industrial Revolution.
- Your character must work in one of the following places: a mine, a mill, a factory, or a farm.
- Your character should describe what their daily work routine is like.
- Your character should describe what their life is like outside of work.
- Your character should mention at least two specific experiences from their life.
- The length of the presentation is one to two minutes long.
- Victorian Child Labourers, in Their Own Words
- Industrial Revolution Children Workers
- Doctor’s Testimony on Child Labour in England
- Plus, the link to the BBC video on child labour that we’ve been watching in class: