Important GEO date changes!
Due to another cancelled day of school (and, another cancelled in-class project work period), the due date for the Location, location, location! industry project is changing. Instead of being due on Thursday, April 20, the new dates are as follows: GEO 103-18 on Monday, April 24 (Day 3, Period 1) and GEO 103-13 on Tuesday, April 25 (Day 4, Period 4). Wednesday, April 26 (Day 5, Periods 1 and 2) will be set aside in case we need extra time for presentations.
We should still have two in-class project work periods with Chromebooks: Both GEO groups have a project work period scheduled for Thursday, April 13 (Day 5, Periods 1 and 2.) GEO 103-13 has a newly added second work period on Friday, April 14 (Day 6, Period 1) and GEO 103-18 has a newly added second work period on Monday, April 17 (Day 7, Period 3.)
Any work not completed in class will need to be finished at home, at lunch, etc.
