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In-person HIS and GEO Update

It is good to be back in the building! Teaching online wasn't bad, but it was good to see the students again after our extended holiday. HIS students are learning about the Renaissance and are currently working up to around page 35 of the second (RED) History of the World workbook. GEO students have finished the introductory pages of the Energy Production workbook and are now learning about Alberta.

Students in both courses

will be able to find out about their Term 1 Report Card results this week. In spite of the fact that this is another challenging to be a student, there are some excellent results. Among students who did not pass Term 1, most have to potential to turn things around in Term 2 and pass the year. One general overall observation, and this applies to both courses: The biggest factor among those students not achieving success is the failure to complete key evaluations, whether these are tests/quizzes or assignments/projects. I always give at least two weeks advance notice for evaluations (and, in many cases, time to start in class) and there are always multiple reminders (in class and on this website) and opportunities for students to complete unfinished work or missed tests in the classroom during my lunch hours. Many students take advantage of these extra chances, but unfortunately some choose not to make the time or effort.



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