What's happening in HIS?
After an introduction to new vocabulary and concepts, both groups of HIstory 213 students are now learning about when, where and how some human beings began to transition from a nomadic to a sedentary way of life around 12 000 years ago. This was one of the "game changing" moments in human history and we get to start off the year with it!
The first assignment - Personal Timeline - has already been started in class. In most cases, it will need to be finished at home. The due date is Tuesday, September 20 (Day 3).
There will be a Quiz based on what will have been finished in the workbook be the middle of next week. It happens on Friday, September 23 (Day 6).
If students fail to hand in an assignment on time, they can hand it in for the next week, but will be penalized for marks. After one week, incomplete assignments are given a result of zero. If students are absent for a test, they can rewrite it in one of the two or three lunchtime sessions offered by the teacher. If students do not take advantage of a rewrite opportunity and more than a week goes by, the test result is zero.
