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GEO work due this week and next week.
The final copy of Compass Rose is due on Thursday, September 22 (Day 5). If anyone still has questions, needs paper, etc. please see me...

HIS work due this week!
The Personal Timeline Project is due tomorrow (Tuesday, September 20, Day 3) in both classes. Quiz #1 happens this Friday, September 23,...

What's happening in HIS?
After an introduction to new vocabulary and concepts, both groups of HIstory 213 students are now learning about when, where and how some...

What's happening in GEO?
Both Geography classes are learning about Natural Hazards. Both groups have also started their first assignment: making individual...

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year!
We've been back for a couple of weeks now, and things are off to a great start! I'll start to update the blog with GEO and HIS class...

HIS Evaluation Rewrite for Absent Students
Any HIS 213 students who were absent for last Thursday's evaluation must come to the classroom tomorrow (Tuesday), next Tuesday (May 24)...

HIS 213 and GEO 103 Final Exam Dates!
The final exam for HIS 213 is on Monday, June 20 at 9:00 AM. (All questions will be based on Chapters 1 to 5 in the Red workbook.) The...
GEO 103 Next Geo Masters May 17
The next Geo Masters will be on Tuesday, May 17. The most recent level will be returned tomorrow.

GEO 103 Indigenous Quiz: May 26
GEO students will have a short quiz on Thursday, May 26 based on the Indigenous People workbook and the "Into the North" tourism video...

HIS 213 Chapter 4 (Industrialization) Evaluation
Students were informed last week that there would be an in-class, open-book evaluation on Thursday, May 12. Students will be required to...
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