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HIS 213 Chapter 3 (Greece) Test
The next test will happen on Monday, November 30 (Day 4) and Tuesday, December 1 (Day 5). The 23 and 25 groups will write the test on...

ETH 202 Journal Reminder
There are still three or four students who have not handed in their journals. If you haven't done this, please get it taken care of ASAP....

HIS 213 Tests and Slideshows
If you missed the Chapter 2 Test last Thursday or Friday, you will need to write it in class this week. Please don't forget that your...

HIS 213 Test and Egypt Slideshow Reminder...
Please remember that the HIS Test on Chapter 2 will happen next week. Also, don't forget that the Egypt Slideshow Project will be due...

HIS 213 Ancient Egypt Slideshow
This project will be introduced next week. Students will have the option of doing it individually or with a partner. The final project...

HIS 213 Chapter 2 Test
There will be a Chapter 2 - The Emergence of Civilization - Test that will focus mostly on Mesopotamia. The date for the 22 and 24...

HIS 213 Test Review Slideshow
All HIS 213 students were sent a Chapter 1 Test Review Slideshow to their Office 365 Outlook email accounts on Friday afternoon/evening. ...

Ethics 202-27 Update
We've now had a few Ethics classes. We have started watching a movie ("Wonder") and each class have had ethical dilemma discussions and...

Important HIS213 reminder!
Please do not forget that all HIS 213 groups have a Chapter 1 Test and a Personal Timeline Project due early next week. The due date for...

History Workbooks: Important Information!
All HIS students have been given a workbook: My History Log A. (This is the workbook in the picture.) This workbook will cover...
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